Walk. Run. Dance. Play. What's your move?
Everyone needs physical activity to stay healthy. But it can be hard to find the time in your busy routine.
The Move Your Way tools, videos, and fact sheets on this page have tips that make it easier to get a little more active. And small changes can add up to big health benefits!
No matter who you are, you can find safe, fun ways to get active — to move your way.
Find tools and resources:
Physical activity can make daily life better. So get more active — and start feeling better right away!
- Boost your mood
- Sharpen your focus
- Reduce your stress
- Improve your sleep
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You know kids need physical activity to grow up strong and healthy.
But did you know it can help them feel better right away?
- Better sleep
- Better mood
- Better grades
And when you move with your kids, you get the health benefits, too!
What is Move Your Way?
Move Your Way is a physical activity campaign from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to promote the recommendations from the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans.
Learn more
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